Frequently Asked Questions
What is the MLS (Multiple Listing Service)?
The MLS is a private database that was created, maintained and paid for by Real Estate Professionals to help clients buy and sell property. The MLS is directly responsible for the majority of real estate transactions nationwide. In fact, over 75% of all properties sold were listed in the MLS. Many buyers will contact a real estate agent when they are ready to purchase a property. Agents will search an MLS system they are members of for properties matching the buyer’s criteria.
How does Flat Fee MLS work?
A flat fee MLS listing allows one of our affiliate partners to list your property on the MLS for a one time low fee as opposed to the normal 6-7% commission. You can benefit by having your property listed on the MLS while still retaining the right to sell your property by owner. You retain the right to find your own buyers and sell your property without working with any agents and pay no commission at closing. Pay 2-3% if the buyer is represented by an agent. You will only pay commission to the selling agent, therefore, saving you half of the normal commission of 6-7%.
Can I personally list my property on MLS without a Realtor?
No. The only way to get your property listed into the local MLS and® is to have a licensed Realtor® who is a member of the MLS for your property.
I bought a Flat Fee Package that includes a yard sign. What phone number is on the sign?
The yard sign we send will include our company logo and a space for your contact information. Please make sure you use the best contact number for an agent or potential buyer to get in contact with you. Please note that each state has to abide by real estate law and may prohibit you from using additional signage. Please speak with the listing broker regarding signage and what is allowed for that state.
I bought a Flat Fee Package that includes a yard sign. Will it be delivered and when will I receive it?
Yes, our packages ship via UPS and may take 7-15 days to reach you. Delivery times may vary since we ship nationwide from Georgia.
I haven't received my yard sign. Who can I contact?
You can contact us at 404-567-5281 and speak to one of our representatives. You can also reach us via email at or our contact form on the Contact Us page. If you send us an email or leave a voicemail, we will reply within 24-48 hours.
Will a Licensed Real Estate Broker list my property on the Realtors MLS?
Yes. The only people that can list property on the MLS are licensed real estate agents and brokers.
What if I sell my property on my own without a Buyer's Agent? Will I be required to pay any additional fees?
There are no additional fees to pay under a non-mls listing if you sell directly to an unrepresented buyer. However, in some states, it may be required that you pay an additional MLS fee or administrative fee at closing whether there is an agent or not. Please check with your assigned broker for additional fees that may be due at closing.
Will I be required to pay any other fees if a REALTOR® sells my property?
Yes. If a REALTOR® representing a buyer shows and sells your property to their client, you will be required to pay that REALTOR® a commission that you have previously noted on your listing agreement. The point of doing a flat fee listing is to save you money. You still want to be able to market your property with an attractive commission rate. Remember: The commission you offer may affect if and how quickly your property sells.
- MLS Listing (6 Months)
- Listed on National Sites -, Trulia, Zillow & dozens more
- Listed on your local real estate office websites
- Photo on MLS
- MLS Listing (6 Months)
- Dynamic Color Flyer
- Prospect Lead Generation
- Real Estate For Sale Sign
- 25 Photos
- MLS Listing (6 Months)
- Dynamic Color Flyer
- Prospect Lead Generation
- Real Estate For Sale Sign
- Showcase Marketing
- Lock Box
- Maximum MLS Photos