For Sale By Owner on MLS Package
- MLS Listing (6 Months)
- Listed on National Sites -, Trulia, Zillow & dozens more
- Listed on your local real estate office websites
- Photo on MLS
For Sale By Owner on MLS PLUS Package
- MLS Listing (6 Months)
- Dynamic Color Flyer
- Prospect Lead Generation
- Real Estate For Sale Sign
- 25 Photos
Showcase For Sale By Owner Package
- MLS Listing (6 Months)
- Dynamic Color Flyer
- Prospect Lead Generation
- Real Estate For Sale Sign
- Showcase Marketing
- Lock Box
- Maximum MLS Photos
Flat Fee MLS shares your property with thousands of potential buyers and their realtors and gives you the tools you need to get it sold.
Why use
For starters No Realtor = No Commission Fees and everyone likes to save money. Your property is listed on all of the key traffic sites, including Trulia and Zillow. Buyers and Realtors can see your listing and share it with others. All of this means you can list your property for sell, receive calls from potential buyers, and potentially save thousands. This is why more and more sellers are choosing to list their property using Flat Fee MLS!